Courses & Training
Our Training Courses and One Day Workshops are open to anyone who wishes to learn:
- Most people take on this training to gain the confidence to care for their loved ones, friends or neighbours. You can if you choose to, after this training, also work professionally supporting a person from their initial diagnosis and continuing through to their dying process.
- You can support members of your local community, friends and family through to their dying process.
- You can become aware of transforming the view held by many; that death, seen as the feared spectre at the end of life, may become peacefully accepted by you and your kin as the natural life event it is.
How do we teach?
We teach by providing talks, individual exercises, small group work, discussion groups and through the mediums of touch and sound.
The course provides a two year support and supervision process during which time every newly trained Soul Advocate will be able to link in with the course leaders each time they are working with someone in their last phase of life.
We envisage this support as a vital ingredient of the Embracing Dying training.
What do we teach?
The overall theme is to learn, to experience and to explore. We have built a three day training curriculum which will include:
- Introduction to the Embracing Dying process which may begin with a person’s terminal diagnosis or only a few days prior to death.
- Mindfulness, Listening.
- Connecting with the person, Awareness of the family dynamic.
- Soul wounds, Anxieties, Deeply held beliefs.
- The dangers of fixing and rescuing.
- Touch Massage, Essential oils.
- Sound work.
- Co-creating an end of life plan.
- What is ritual.
- The Vigil, Witnessing.
- The Stages of Dying.
- Self-care, Boundaries.
- Death-bed visions, Near-death experiences.
The aim of this course is to provide a support service that may be offered to all individuals, regardless of their religious, spiritual or humanistic orientation. In this regard, the inner development of the Soul Advocate is key to being able to offer: empathic listening, support, inner flexibility, a non-judgemental attitude and an unconditional loving presence.